Active Influence
"We Will Grow Your Business in North America"™
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Christina Bogyo

Christina has an extensive background in international development, health awareness raising campaigns, association and non-profit management and international hotel management and tourism promotion. 

She worked at the World Bank for more than six years, focusing first on South Asia, then on Central and Eastern Europe; her main activities there were project coordination, research, writing, organizing conferences, communications and outreach and website content development and publication management. Since then, she has been working with a number of Associations, mainly on healthcare issues, and mostly focusing on awareness raising, fundraising, donor and business development, conference and meeting planning. Christina arrived to the US as an exchange student in international hotel managment and worked in the hotel industry for more than eight years. Prior to this, she worked in Hungary in the hotel and tourism industry.

Christina has a B.A. from international hotel and tourism studies from Hungary, and an M.A. from International Business Management, Marketing and Market Research from the University of Maryland.  She has studies several languages and have lived in a number of different countries. All of this experience enables her to bring a unique perspective to international business and marketing.

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Phone: +1 703 757-9195
Fax: +1 703 757-9196